Meaningful Change,

Begins in Communities

Greater Together Foundation.

The unprecedented unrest which rocked KZN in mid-July 2021 made it very clear that private citizens and businesses have an urgent role to play in supporting the democracy which so many have fought to create. The socio-economic challenges within our nation are so great that they can only be overcome through coordinating efforts and the investment into community upliftment across our beautiful nation.

The Greater Together Foundation brings an ambitious vision to life. One that gives us a collective voice, builds unity and allows us to work together to properly address the issues which continually plague our beautiful country.

Our Vision

When the July 2021 unrest happened in KZN, members of the North Durban came together with an idea of an organisation that could, by addressing key elements within communities, enact positive change across our nation.

Our Departments

Find out about our 4 key upliftment departments, what their contribution to the overall vision looks like and, what they are currently working.

Our Current Projects

Every great achievement starts with someone willing to take the first step… These are the current projects and initiatives we are involved in.

Join Our Journey

We are always looking for volunteers to assist in our outreach and upliftment projects - If this speaks to you, then please reach out to us to join in our vision…

Our Partners

Our partners are extremely important not only because they help us accomplish our goals, but through their belief in our vision, and drive to see positive change, our confidence that what we have is a possible answer to how we sustainably ensure the longevity of communities within our nation…